No. Absolutely not. I have discussed this matter on the radio and published on it here, at length, and refer the reader to these sources for a good starting point to this discussion. Additionally, I agree with the sentiment expressed by prominent Christian leader Stephen L. Richards when he expressed in 1955:
Many people misunderstand and misinterpret capitalism. They think that because the word “capital” is used to designate the system that its chief purpose is to make wealthy men who are usually called capitalists and whose wealth, it is feared, is too often accumulated at the expense of poorer classes. I admit that there are instances, altogether too many, where this comes about. But this is not the true concept of capitalism. The capitalistic system in its inner essence, is little, if anything, more than a man’s free right to work, to choose his work, and enjoy the rewards of his efforts. In my estimation, it is a most precious thing and it is indispensable to the liberty and freedom of which America boasts. It is the only tried and tested system of free enterprise in this world and every other opposing system is built on an abridgment of personal liberty. For one I do not want to lose it. But we will lose it if we do not understand it and recognize its virtues. It is not the capitalistic system itself that makes some men rich and some men poor. The men themselves do that, again with some exceptions. The system merely offers the opportunities.
Additionally, perhaps the most unapologetic proponent of Capitalism in the modern era, Ayn Rand (a self-proclaimed atheist) wrote, in a letter to Sylvia Austin in 1946,
Jesus was one of the first great teachers to proclaim the basic principle of individualism — the inviolate sanctity of man’s soul, and the salvation of one’s soul as one’s first concern and highest goal; this means — one’s ego and the integrity of one’s ego.
While both Mr. Richards and Ms. Rand deserve more attention given to their remarks, and the context in which they were given, I offer these two quotations as a stimulus or beginning point for the honest observer to engage in a more serious study of the question. In my own research I have concluded that not only is the doctrine of Christianity ‘not contradictory’ of capitalism, but that the very truths enshrined in the man-labeled philosophy ‘capitalism’ are in fact the same universal truths proclaimed in scripture as the Gospel. In my view God himself is clearly a capitalist, meaning one who advocates, upholds, and lives by these principles. Of course, that is a full topic for another time and space.